Selling? Here’s what buyers are looking for in YOUR property

Too much garden… a leaky bathroom… not enough light…

When selling your home, it’s no easy task to place yourself in the shoes of a prospective buyer – or to see your property ‘for the first time’. After all, if you don’t sell everyday, how do you know what buyers are after?

Lucky for us, it is. And after endless open homes and discussions with prospective buyers in search of the right fit, we’ve mastered the skill of knowing what people look for in a property… and more importantly, what they are not. 

But don’t think you need to go all out in spending on designer fixtures for that ‘wow’ factor; you don’t. In fact, more often than not it’s the things that are free to fix that have the greatest impact – and we’re here to share you in on a few.

So here they are, straight from the seller’s (and marketer’s, and stylist’s) mouth!

1. Don’t overcapitalise on renovations and fixtures.

Unless it’s a brand new property, there’s a high chance that a local buyer won’t be expecting state-of-the-art European appliances in your kitchen. While this does depend on the value of your home and the current market, it’s likely that the cost of adding extravagant inclusions won’t land you much return on your investment – or could even put you at a loss.

Consider that cheaply selected or ‘quirky’ fixtures can actually have the opposite effect and deter potential buyers who may be looking for a renovation project or ‘good bones’ to spruce up… and who may not be able to look past that tacky new kitchen bench!

2. Clean. Seriously.

We’re not just talking about wiping some dust off the TV unit… and while it may be an unfulfilling and mammoth task to Marie Kondo your home, there’s a good chance it’ll pay off. Why? Because finding the right home is as much an emotional process as a logical one; buyers want to see their own possessions and lifestyle in your property, but can be easily distracted by a fridge swarming with family photos or a display cabinet overflowing with granny’s old china.

So sugar scrub walls, remove curtains or blockouts and wash down windows (so you can see the views!), steam clean carpets and strip every room back to the absolute bare essentials. All of these actions create an optimal sense of space in your home and will maximise your chances of prospective buyers perceiving it for what it’s really worth.

3. A crack in the door could mean a crack in your campaign.

Have a walk up and down your home – notice any ‘bruises’? Fractures, leaks, squeaky doors, traces of dampness or other signs of damage can be major red flags during an open inspection. 

Quite often they’re simple fixes, but when left untouched can be grounds for a buyer negotiating your asking price down. So it might be an idea to put aside a weekend just for repairs, prior to listing.

4. Manicure that garden!

It doesn’t have to be a botanical masterpiece (in fact, this can yell ‘high maintenance!’) but it does have to be neat and attractive. Mow the lawn, trim the hedges and weed thoroughly to make that all-important great first impression. If it’s an apartment, getting some simple greenery or a corner plant can go a long way; think monsterras, fiddle leaf figs (artificial for a cheaper option), peace lilies or even a nice bouquet of flowers to create that indoor/outdoor appeal that’s a desirable trend of today. The good news is that recent rain has replaced drought-ridden grass with lush green lawns – something that’s already in your favour!

5. Non-compliant or unapproved structures are red flags.

The answer is yes, you should install that pool fence. Current State and Local Government regulation requires child-resistant barriers around pools to ensure that they are safe for use; so if you have doubts or concerns about yours, this will almost certainly be shared by potential buyers at your open who won’t be keen on spending to fix ‘problems’. 

Structures such as verandahs or carports that are added to properties without council approval are another common cause of buyers withdrawing their offer. So having to pay a small council fee to get yours checked is worth considering – after all, it’s much cheaper than a lost sale!

Get your home sold by our expert team! Call Prudential Real Estate today: 
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