Beware the Rental Property Inspection Monster!

We know that for many renters, especially first timers, that there is a belief that the inspection of a rental property is a scary and daunting exercise.
Prudential Real Estate in Sydney understand the feelings that run through the minds of tenants—the ogres are coming to pick your housekeeping skills to bits and find fault with how you live.
This simply is not the case so we have put together some thoughts for you to mull over to help reduce your stress.

Inspections – Protect Property Owner

Obviously, a property owner in Sydney would like to see that their investment is in trustworthy hands.
When you are preparing for an inspection just bear in mind we will not be there to check if you have done the dishes or have an overflowing laundry basket, or even if you make your bed.
We will be checking to make sure the carpets are clean and unstained.
We will be checking to make sure you have not been practising your golf swing indoors and shattered a light fitting or put a hole in the wall.
We will ensure your pet, if you have one, is not soiling indoors and leaving that distinctive smell.
We will be ensuring the yard and lawns are kept in a neat and tidy condition, are mulched, and trimmed regularly and again, if there is damage caused by yourself or a pet that it is attended to.

Inspections – Protect You

The above incidences are the responsibility of the tenant to clean, remove and maintain.
However, if you have an electrical, plumbing, or structural issue that needs attention, an inspection is your best opportunity to have it looked at, assessed and have repairs or replacements organised.
Faulty light switches, fittings and electrical plugs are the domain of the owner.
Likewise, if you discover an issue with any plumbing fixtures the owner will look after it.
If the fence is falling apart or the roof tiles, sheeting or guttering are not doing what they should, it is important to make us as the property owner’s agent aware of these issues so that you get to live in the home you first moved into.
So when you know it is routine inspection time, don’t stress. If you are doing the right thing all will be well. You can rest assured we are not there to make your life a misery if you haven’t got the dishes done.
If by any chance, you do have a fault to report and it is not near an inspection time, please feel free to use our ‘report a repair service’ at